My randomly generated prompts were as follows:
Humorous Fantasy Class Generator: "Waitress-Paladin"
Room/Location Generator: "Labyrinth of Lights and Pits" (used in text only)
Realm Generator: "Land of the Nine Roaring Wisdoms" (used in text only)
Candy Generator: "Sugar Jelly-Brittle" (used in text only)

These are three of the Waitress-Paladins of the Labyrinth of Lights and Pits, a popular restaurant in the Land of the Nine Roaring Wisdoms. An excellent examples of their class, they have a keen ability to see through the glamours of their demonic patrons. Always fighting against evil, they serve lunch from 11am to 3pm and dinner from 5pm to 11pm. Mention this add to receive a free serving of Sugar Jelly-Brittle with the purchase of any entree.